Welcome to the Danish Fibromyalgia & Pain Association! We have many dedicated members all of over Denmark! Here's a photo of some of them!
The Danish Fibromyalgia & Pain Association is the patient association for fibromyalgia patients and their families.
We unfold a wide variety of activities in our efforts to improve the quality of life for fibromyalgia patients.
- Close contact to our members and daily counselling on how to live with fibromyalgia
- Contact to politicians to raise awareness about fibromyalgia
- Nationwide educational activities
- Close contact to fibromyalgia researchers
- Strong Danish and international network
- Strong social media presence
- Quarterly magazine
We are gradually working on expanding our information in English on our website.
You can find articles with two of the world's leading scientists in the field of fibromyalgia on our website.
Professor Daniel Clauw - "The Frustration and Fascination of Fibromyalgia"
Professor Lars Arendt-Nielsen - "The Enigmatic Puzzle of Pain"
Information in other languages
We also have information about fibromyalgia available in these languages:
- Turkish
- Arab
- Farsi (to fibromyalgia patients)
- Farsi (to families with relatives who have fibromyalgia)
Contact the Danish Fibromyalgia & Pain Assocation
If you want to talk to us, please give us a call at (+45) 33 23 55 60
We are available for phone counselling at these times:
- Monday: 10-12 & 16-18
- Tuesday: 10-14
- Wednesday: 10-14
- Thursday: 10-14
- Friday: 10-14
You can also send us an e-mail at fsf@fibromyalgi.dk
Our postal address is:
The Danish Fibromyalgia & Pain Association
Center Boulevard 5
2300 Copenhagen S
(Please note that our office is not open for visitation without prior agreement.)